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9 LGBTQ PRIDE Merch Collections (that aren’t weird)

June is Pride Month (ayeeee) and the merchandise is in full swing! Every year, more big name brands and department stores are cashing in on the profit of selling PRIDE gear. Unfortunately, we still see a lot of companies missing the mark (or over swinging) with tacky rainbow designs. Some styles are downright weird or clearly made by a non-LGBTQ person. We're humans too, and we might want to buy a piece that we can wear year round (not just to the Pride Parade or Pride Festival). Let's take a look at a few styles that are not too overly rainbow but still show gay pride.

Here's a few spots to score LGBTQ+ rainbow pride swag:

For every Love Unites item purchased, Express donates a portion of the income to a nonprofit supporting the LGBTQ+ community.







7. Old Navy Pride Gear


8. Abercrombie Kids Everybody Collection


9. Nike BETRUE Collection


Where do you shop for PRIDE gear? What are your thoughts on the current trends and styles of the year? Let us know in the comments below!

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